How To Dress In Layers This Fall
It’s time to dress in layers.
The other day it was a dreary, cold, and rainy morning, so I dressed in layers.
This is the best time of year to dress in layers so you can pile them on and take them off during the temperature changes typical in the Fall.
Other than the necklace, I bought everything else on sale, at great prices, and bought them from anywhere from 2 to 6 years ago.
I can find a deal the same way a pig can find a truffle. 😂
Below is how I layered clothes to create my outfit in only 10 seconds.
Bonus points if you see who video-bombed me.
Where’s Scarlett?
Did you know that I’ve been a team player?
Okay, what I really have been doing is presenting Get Zoom-a-fied workshops to various business teams, and it’s a Win-Win!
Managers are hiring me as a thank you to their teams, and they in turn have employees who immediately use my tips on looking great on Zoom and in person.
Team Reviews
“We had such a wonderful time when our team came to you as a teambuilding activity and to finally spend time on something we often overlook–the way we look to our clients! As professional consultants in the learning and development space, our work brings us in front of clients every day. We need to send a message that we are professional and aware of how our impression impacts their staff, and their clients, too. Since your presentation, we have all stepped up in our visual resume. It is noticeable not only to each other but our clients. Some of our bottom line increase is because we are collectively presenting ourselves with a more put together and current look. This is all because of your good insight and supportive conversations with our team. We’ve been sharing stories of cleaning out our closets and wearing more put together outfits. We know you were responsible for helping us individually, and as a team, present our best selves. Thanks, Scarlett!”
“My team had so much fun today! Thanks for a great session, I think every one of them was engaged, even (and especially) the one male on our team.”
YES, I want to look thinner!
Get my free checklist to Instantly Look 10lbs Thinner!.
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