Have Your Contents Shifted?
The following is from my book
Stop Stressing About Dressing.
Have you ever heard a flight attendant ask the passengers to be cautious when opening the overhead compartments, as the contents may have shifted during the flight?
When I heard this on one of my trips to work with a client in another state, I immediately knew that this was the best way to explain what happens to our bodies.
One day when I was around 4o, I went to bed thinking I was looking good in my clothes and was content with my body.
The next morning I seemed to have awakened with rolls, bumps, and bubbles that I swear were not there the night before.
How come the jeans and T-shirt I successfully wore the day before, now made me look old and out of shape?
What happened????
Ladies, I am sorry to report that no matter how hard you exercise or how well you eat, our contents have shifted while we are flying thru our lives.
This is not a cause to grab an oxygen mask because you may now be hyperventilating.
It just means that a few changes need to be made so as to accommodate our shift.
If rolls are obvious, then wear clothes that disguise and cover them up. If the shirt and pants you beautifully wore before, now expose ruffles and ridges in your waist and or thighs, then get them out of your closet.
Replace them with clothes that lay over the troublesome spots instead of clinging to them for dear life.
To keep this simple, consider this:
If you put on a piece of clothing, and parts of it are holding on as tight as a one-year-old with separation anxiety, then stop wearing it.
Go for a larger size, or a looser fit and embrace the fact that your contents have indeed shifted.
Please stop beating yourself up over the inevitable change once over 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and beyond.
Now fasten your seatbelts and take a look at how you can work with me and I’ll show you how to Stop Stressing About Dressing even if your contents have shifted.
“Scarlett is a God send. I was wearing the same outfits repeatedly and couldn’t decide how to dress better. She came to my house and in one session efficiently figured out the colors and style that looked best on me. Than she went to my closet and created coordinated outfits including shoes and jewelry and photographed everything so I have a personal file of outfits I can wear. The transformation has been lasting and significant. I have a new sense of myself.”
—Beth Martin, New York NY, Spiritual Life Coach/Grief Counselor
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