Don’t Make These Shopping Mistakes
I feel the need to share with you what I always tell my clients:
Do not buy multiples of the same top, dress, skirt, or pants.
It can be tempting when you think you have found the perfect fit or style, to buy a few in different colors or prints. I see this in almost every closet the first time I work with a new client.
The end result is, way too often you will have multiples of the wrong fit, style, and color.
As your body changes, what was once your ‘GoTo’ look, is no longer looking as good as it used to.
Think about how much money you may have wasted when you discover that you got caught up in a very common situation:
Replicationitis. Def. The inability to realize that you keep buying and/or wearing similar clothes over and over again.
An additional issue is that your wardrobe is very limited, and you basically look the same in every out and you most likely have BORING outfits and wardrobe options.
You won’t have a manageable closet if you keep buying what you already have, and squeeze it in along with all the multiples you no longer wear. Sound familiar?
You can’t improve or change your look by buying the same thing over and over again.
No matter what size your closet or wardrobe may be, knowing how to organize it will allow you to have more choices and peace of mind.
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“I loved working with Scarlett in my closet! It was fun and enlightening. Scarlett spotted some things that I have never worn and showed me how great they look when matched with the right accessories. She made choices that would never occur to me, and they were great! She showed which colors and cuts look best on me and suggested a few items needed to fill the gaps in my wardrobe. She employs a “less is more” strategy, so you will end up paring down rather than expanding what you own. If you’re looking for a way to get a new wardrobe by reassessing what you already own with a fresh, stylish eye, invite Scarlett into your closet.You will be very pleased.”
Jennifer N. Boyd Boyd & Associates LLC
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