Are You Mustard Or Ketchup?
There they go again, telling us what colors we must wear to look ‘in style’ for the next season.
The color Guru Pantone has named Oak Bluff as one of the must wear colors for fall.
Looks like mustard to me, and I must add that it is an extremely difficult color to wear near the face for most women, especially brunettes.
So if you must add mustard, oh I mean Oak Bluff to your wardrobe, please do so from the waist down. I just can’t give what to wear advice for women, without also giving what not to wear suggestions.
Me, and I’m not bluffing, will be sticking with ketchup…oops, I mean red. Why? Well, red is a color that works for me, and won’t make me look like a condiment.
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“For eight years, I worked as a freelancer, and dressed either for at-home comfort or for events. Now I was embarking on a corporate job that required a new wardrobe. Or so I thought. Scarlett put together my existing separates into creative, stylish looks; she helped me donate the pieces and suits that were a là mode when I last worked in an office, and identified colors, looks and pieces to fit my figure and fill in the gaps.” Jennifer M. Brown, V-P and Publisher, Knopf Books for Young Readers
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