Another Image & Style Consultant Product You Should Own
As an image & style consultant, I often find unusual solutions to very common problems.
One problem I have never have to solve is keeping a toupee on a man’s head. However, if I did then I would recommend Top Stick Men’s Grooming tape, but yet I actually can recommend this product to YOU!
I recently discover this product, and it costs less than a popular ‘Fashion Tape’ product out there, and can solve so many so called fashion emergencies.
- Peeking out bra straps.
- Hems that need emergency hemming.
- Peek-a-boo necklines that need a bit less peeking.
- Belt straps that flap around and you still haven’t added extra holes to get a better fit.
Place the tape between bra strap and top, and voila instant classy lady vs. throwback to the 80’s Madonna period.
Product info: Top Stick Men’s Grooming Tape 1 Pack of 50 Strips for under $8.
Keep a few in your bag and be the hero next time you witness a fashion disaster.
Did you get your copy of my new book, Stop Stressing About Dressing? Well what are you waiting for? Grab yours here and find out how to pick out what to wear so you end being frustrated overtime you need to leave the house.
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